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The Path Less Travelled

I read an interesting article about Agriculture in Holland last week. The gist of it was how a little country like Holland can be the #2 exporter of food in the world. A country 1/270th the size of America. You can find the article here. 

It was a refreshing article. Also, all their food is NON-GMO! (Which is unlike a lot of the United States’ export crops.) Holland became an Agricultural power house because of vision and a desire to have food security. Their goal was to produce twice as much food on half the inputs (fertilizers, water, herbicides, etc.)

They did it! Unlike American agriculture’s goal to export more GMO’s. The American food system is broken. To prove my point, in 2012 ZERO states had average obesity rates above 35%. In 2016 there were 5 states above 35%. Also interesting is that in 2012, 10 states were below the 25% average, but now only 4 states remain below the 25% threshold.

Several factors account for the obesity numbers, but I would contend that we are not going to shed those pounds just by hitting the gyms. We need a food revolution to take back our health. We need a different goal.

Thankfully, American agriculture and its food manufacturing partners can’t tell us what to eat. That is on us. We still have choices. I will concede that the processed food manufacturers are experts at marketing and lobbying. Sadly, even the healthy options merely replace one form of sugar for another, which only improves the food in minor ways. This is because many of those same companies are owned by the General Mills or Pepsi’s of the world. And they expect us to believe that their company missions are to provide healthy sustainable products that improve your health. (sarcasm intended) Anybody out there switch to the “Organic” version of the American diet and basically see no appreciable results?

Merely switching to the Organic American diet will have little or no impact on our personal health or our Nation’s health. If we are going to see lasting meaningful health benefits from the food we eat, we need to switch: 1. how we eat and 2. what we eat. Saying yes to fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and quality proteins and grains is a great start.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Congress set an “Every American Healthy” Goal for our Country to reduce the National Obesity rate by 5% by year 2023? The by-products of this goal alone would save millions of dollars in health costs and improve the quality of life for millions of Americans. It would shift our food system from profits to health and from sugar and grains to vegetables and fruits and quality proteins. The environmental gains would be great because of the non-GMO and Organic farming practices implemented to produce better foods. A simple goal, but alas, it will never see the light of day because of the way our political campaigns are financed. But, as I mentioned earlier, they can’t tell us what to eat. And in the words of the poet Robert Frost, “I chose the path less travelled.” We can choose the path with little or no sugar, a path filled with hope and a better quality of life. And thankfully, we can make that choice every day. Every time you get a “Box of Good” delivered, you are on the path less travelled.


Eat heathy, Be healthy,


Tristan Klesick

Health Advocate and Farmer


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Our Food System Is Broken

We care more about our air and water quality than we do the food we eat. Last time I checked, we need to breathe, drink and eat. My cynical side says, “This means the coal lobby isn’t as strong as the sugar lobby.”

The EPA is lowering the boom on coal, but the FDA and the USDA are doing the old “wink-wink” when it comes to our food. The American food supply has been coopted by the sugar and processed food industries, with the blessing of the FDA and the USDA. But what has been the result of this high carb, high sugar, low fat experiment? An unhealthy American population!

The only way we are going to change our personal health is by not buying corporate America’s food! Only by removing the profit from Coca Cola, Pepsi, Starbucks, General Mills, etc. will the health of America change. When we intentionally stop eating their processed “food” they will respond. Of course, first they will advertise more to promote “the benefits” of their products. Then they will lobby Congress to protect them from the consumer, but finally they will produce healthier and more nutritious processed foods to earn your business back. They will do this not because they love you or care about your health, but because their pocket book is hurting! It’s simple. NO SALES, NO PROFIT.

If we are going to effectively change our food system and take it back, we are going to have to do it one bite at a time, by saying “yes” to more organic fruits and vegetables, and better quality dairy, meat, and wild fish.

The easiest way to win this war on our health (waistline) is to not eat their processed sugar laden products! If we consciously choose to not eat their food, we will win this battle. It only takes a 5% shift in their sales and they will respond.

And do you know what else? If you cut back on processed foods (a.k.a., sugar foods), you will avoid eating GMOs.

And do you know what else? You will lose weight just by not eating processed foods.

And do you know what else? You will feel better (after a few days as your body detoxifies) because you are eating better.

WOW, am I ever fired up! If we cut out sugar, we change the food system for everyone, and we will feel better and healthier!

Give it a try this week. Intentionally cut out sugar. Your body will thank you.

Cheers to your health,
